So Hi, thought it was time to actually start writing and posting something before I forget again!
Welcome to Wellbeing in Neurodiversity, as you can see we are slowly building things up, as March is a very chaotic month with funding deadlines, so the website is in the middle of a very long to-do list.
This is more about making sure we are saying Hi, that we are here and haven't forgotten anyone or anything (most of the time) and that please just bear with us as we start to put things in motion.
We've been lucky and have won some funding and working with public bodies providing much needed support to adults in South Wales who are awaiting statutory services. It's been amazing to work with and chat with truly incredible individuals.
At the moment we are hosting wellbeing workshops at Tredegar House (you can book here) and they've been some of the best fun I've had in a long time. When you get together a group of people with ND and in particular ADHD, well there is laughter and also more importantly understanding and no judgement, you can understand why they've quickly become a favourite part of my week! We'd love to see you at any of them coming up and we really hope we can continue them.
So that's a quick hello from us and we'll keep you updated with all the news going forward.